We understand that fire dampers are a cricitcal part of any ventilation system.
Dampers are located within the ventilation and air conditioning ducts and are designed to prevent the spread of Fire within the ductwork.
Maintenance of the dampers is often overlooked and implementing a comprehensive maintenance programme will minimise the risk of a fire outburst.
Our comprehensive reports provides customers with the results of the inspection including recommendations on how to improve your fire dampers to keep your ventilation system, buildings and their occupants as safe as possible.
The Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations 1999 and The regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 requires that air ventilation systems must have fire dampers installed wherever ductwork intersects with fire compartment walls, ceillings and floors. Alongside the installation of the fire dampers, they must be tested and audited every 12 months as required by law. On top of this legislation, insuranc companies require fire dampers and their testing are compliant with the following regulations: BS9999:2017, BESA DW145, BESA TB001.